Project Development

This stage includes identification of the investment opportunity in a specific country and the formulation of a strategy and preliminary timeline for the development of the project.

Project Development Stages

Project feasibility stage
This stage includes identification of the investment opportunity in a specific country and the formulation of a strategy and preliminary timeline for the development of the project. Economic and technical analysis of the region is done in order to certify the financial model as well as to verify the legal and regulatory framework for renewable energy projects.
Site selection
Site selection and evaluation Identifying and analyzing potential locations for solar power plants. Selecting land in proximity to the selected point of connection & securing a purchase or a long-term lease over the land for the construction of the solar power plant.
Technology selection
In the technology selection phase, the appropriate solar technology and equipment are identified and selected based on the project's technical requirements and specifications, as well as the site-specific conditions. This includes the selection of solar panels, inverters, energy storage systems, and other equipment necessary for the project's success.
Permits and Grid connection
This phase includes preparation of a Permit matrix and Grid connection regulatory requirements, including obtaining of different licenses, if applicable. It begins with a detailed review of all necessary permits and licenses needed for constructing and operating the power plant. Furthermore, it includes the preparation and submission of all relevant permit and license applications and the preparation and submission of grid connection application.
The preparation of an engineering design of the project includes several stages: preliminary design, approval design, execution design (detailed engineering), specifications and contract preparation.
Environmental requirements
Carrying out a wide range of environmental and technical studies and consult with different organizations to understand how a potential PV design will affect its local environment. Obtaining the needed permits and approvals from the local authorities.
Arrangement of senior debt, construction finance, equity investment. In order to obtain finance, a comprehensive documentation of the project should be prepared. Optimizing the financing structure to maximize risk- adjusted returns.
HEC Solar